Ever wondered what it’s like behind the scenes at a Toby Roxane Designs photo shoot?
As you may already know, my dad is my photographer. He can be difficult to work with (and I’m sure he’d say the same about me). My main problem is smiling. He doesn’t smile while he works, and it’s sort of hard to beam at someone who’s frowning at you from behind a very intimidating-looking piece of equipment, so I like to have someone else on “smile duty,” dancing around behind him or something. Usually this is my mom. Unfortunately, I don’t always have that luxury (she does have a day job, you know).
I did, however, recently discover something which I promptly explained to my dad: the word “booger” always makes me smile. ALWAYS. So now he frowns at me and intermittently says “booger.” I’m not totally sure I see an improvement in the pictures that I can attribute to that, but I have my own secret smile words. I wonder if supermodels do this. I mean, if you have a deal with Covergirl (those girls are never frowning) and they need you to smile at 1000 watts and everyone is standing around looking at your thighs and wondering what in the hell you had the nerve to eat for lunch, how do you make yourself look happy? I’ll tell you, it’s freaking hard.