An Update

Forgive my long absence–I had a little vacation from work at the shop for the first two weeks of July, but that was not a vacation from my own work. I did manage to take one day off to go to the beach, which was a very good idea, despite the fact that my legs are STILL peeling. Summer would be so much more tolerable if I had a beach house.

Anyway, I’m back at work at the shop (and still working on my own, obviously). All the London shawls are finished! Look for them shortly…and then look for the ebook!

Olympic season is upon us! In my house, no one EVER watches any kind of sport (my dad pretends to like football, but he’s not fooling me) except for the Olympics, which my mom (and thereby all other members of the household) watches every minute of with rapt enthusiasm.

And speaking of Olympics, how can we not discuss the new “Ravellenic Games?” For those of you not in the know, these are the games formerly known as the Ravelympics. Basically, the idea is that you pick a project (or projects) that you know will be a challenge to complete in two weeks or 17 days or however long the Olympics go on for. You cast on during the opening ceremonies and try to get it done by the closing ceremonies. It gets way more involved than that, though–there are different teams (Team Lace, Team Crochet, Team Hopelessly Overcommitted, etc) and events (Toy Toss, Lace Longjump, Afghan Marathon, etc). This year, however, the International Olympic Committee got wind of all this and put the kabash on it. Said some shit about it being offensive to the athletes…to which one raveler replied in some thread somewhere, “Because it’s so much easier to knit a sweater than it is to run 40 meters.” Honestly, I’m getting a huge kick out of the whole situation. The IOC made giant idiots of themselves and the entire, worldwide internet community of knitters got really wittily pissed off. You should read this article about it.

In other news, I got reading glasses. In fact, I’m wearing them right now, and they are super cute if I do say so myself. After telling one eye doctor (if you’re in the area, I’ll tell you who he is and why not to go to him) I thought I might need reading glasses, he told me I was too young for reading glasses and to suck it up. Then, for several reasons, I went to a different eye doctor who actually CHECKED my eyes and agreed that yes, I did need reading glasses. I blame all the crazy ladies who bring me dark gray socks on size 0 needles to pick up dropped stitches on.

So that’s what I’ve been up to these past few weeks. How’s this disgustingly hot season treating all of you?

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