Summer of Hate

How was your 4th of July? Mine was alright. We had a barbecue and set off some fireworks and then I had to go home and go to bed at like 10.30 because I think I got heat stroke. Plus I probably drank too much alcohol and not enough water, which I’m sure didn’t help.

This weather is really getting to me. Like, really. Every year when summer hits I wail, “WHY DO I LIVE IN THIS TERRIBLE, HORRIBLE WASTELAND? Why does ANYONE? WHO DECIDED TO COLONIZE THIS NO-GOOD, VERY BAD PART OF THE WORLD??”*

And it’s not the heat. Really. It’s the humidity. If you live in a desert or on the west coast and you’ve never heard your air conditioner make a sound like a babbling brook because of all the water it’s sucking out of the air just to make it fit to breathe, then I envy you.

In the few weeks before I went to TNNA, when we had all that uncharacteristically nice weather (it seems like a vague, distant dream, now) I got into this groove of working outside on the back deck. It was amazing how much it improved my mood. Who knew? I guess even I need sunlight every now and then.

If you look at the 10-day weather forecast, there’s that little lightening cloud icon for the rest of eternity. It’s not actually thunderstorming all the time, but we’re at 82% humidity right now (that’s not even as bad as it gets these days) and your towel doesn’t dry between showers. Especially considering the second you step outside you feel so sticky you want to run right back inside and hop in the shower. That, or claw your skin off.

It goes without saying that this weather is not conducive to knitting, so I spend my time fantasizing about moving someplace where it never, ever gets like this. I hear there are even places like that in this country. Maybe I should do some research…

*Yes, Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good Very Bad Day is one of my favorite picture books. Fun fact: the author, Judith Viorst, went to my high school.

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